Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Free Webinar: Five Ways to Use Webinars to Grow Your Business--Fast!


If you could wave a magic wand and suddenly have more leads, more opportunity, and more paying business with clients all over town and all over the world, would you be interested? Of course! For these kind of results, though, you don’t need a magic wand. Instead, learn how to leverage interactive webinars to gain a substantial competitive advantage.

Conducting business face-to-face has always been the gold standard. But in today’s marketplace, it’s critical also to know how to use interactive webinars to differentiate your business, provide significantly higher value, and get more done effectively without travel. These are the new pillars to success for every business—from a one-person entrepreneur to a large mega giant.

Join webinar interaction guru, Dr. Jaclyn Kostner, to learn five key ways to leverage webinars to grow your business beyond your dreams! You’ll gain insights about…

· The #1 reason why interactive webinars are critical for your business growth and success
· Five critical ways to use webinars to make your business successful faster.
· What single pitfall to avoid that will hold back your success.

Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Time: 12-1 pm Mountain
Cost: Free

Click here to register: https://cc.readytalk.com/r/4yasjuvbpgep

Collaboration is a leading driver of performance

According to Meetings Around the World I (2006), the better people collaborate, the better the factors that drive high performance.

High-level collaboration quality improves each of the following drivers of performance:

Labor productivity +36% higher
Product development +30% higher
Customer satisfaction +41% higher
Innovation +30% higher
Product quality +34% higher

So, each moment that your virtual team collaborates at low levels, you are missing the opportunity to raise your metrics substantially. Collaboration isn't about dialing into the audio conference bridge or logging on to the same web conference meeting. Rather, collaboration is about vigorous, relevant, continual interaction that is designed to maximize team member engagement and involvement--from all locations participating in the session.

Jaclyn Kostner
Bridge the Distance
Training to make webinars engaging, interactive, and results-focused.

How to make your eLearning session engaging

What will make your online presentation engaging?

Online Meetings: Higher collaboration = higher results - by 36%

Face to face used to be the standard for collaboration--but no longer. According to a Frost & Sullivan study (2008), collaboration quality is a leading driver of high performance.

Teams that collaborate at high levels (such as in highly interactive web conference meetings) are 36% more productive than teams that collaborate at low levels (such as in a conference call or email).

Using web conference technology does not put any group into the high-collaboration level. High collaboration only results when interaction is rich, relevant, and fast.

So, if people are sitting back and watching PowerPoint presentations in your virtual team meetings--they're not only bored, but they are trapped into low performance. If you want to raise performance, leverage the interactive capability of your web conference technology (polls, annotations, VOIP, etc.) in ways that everyone is actively involved in high-value ways. Not only will your meeting achieve significantly higher results, but the people will build rapport and connections with one another that are essential to the team's success.

Jaclyn Kostner, Ph.D.
Bridge the Distance
Training to make your presentation, training, or collaborative webinar engaging, interactive, and results-focused